Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The man who keeps falling in love with his wife

Op.Ed by Pinoy Channel

OMG! this is a very touching story. It shows that how love can be powerful despite of everything. Loosing memory is not a hindrance. What I've learned on that story is live your life to the fullest and think everyday is your especial day because you don't know whats gonna happen tomorrow. Show love to those people that you care as long u still have a chance to say it because you might loosing the capability to say the magic words "I LOVE YOU".....

by Deborah Wearing

 When a virus destroyed part of his brain, Clive Wearing was left with no memory. He is still trapped in an eternal present. Yet he does remember that he loves his wife, Deborah. Here she tells their heartbreaking story 

Clive had no idea that Tuesday, March 26, 1985 would be his last day of conscious thought. We weren't ready. Did he feel his brain disappearing that night? Why didn't he wake me? By morning he could not answer a simple question or remember my name. The doctor said it was flu and a lack of sleep that was causing the confusion. He tucked him up with a temperature of 104 and a bottle of sleeping pills.

read full article 

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