Saturday, October 9, 2010

10 Health Symptoms Your Guy Shouldn't Ignore

Men are notorious for ignoring health problems and avoiding the doctor's office. Broken pinky? Just use duct tape. But not all illnesses can be fixed so easily. Here are 10 symptoms your guy – and you – should take seriously...

Even when a man finally admits to feeling crummy, getting him to schedule a doctor’s appointment is like getting a cat to agree to a bath.

“American men make 130 million fewer [doctor] visits each year than women,” says Will Courtenay, Ph.D., California psychotherapist who specializes in treating men.

According to a 2007 Harris Interactive poll, 92% of men surveyed wait at least a few days before seeing a doctor when they have a health concern – just in case the problem gets better on its own; 29% wait "as long as possible."


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